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Email Direct Marketing

E-mail marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fundraising messages to an audience. In its broadest sense, every e-mail sent to a potential or current customer could be considered e-mail marketing.


  • An exact return on investment can be tracked (“track to basket”) and has proven to be high when done properly. E-mail marketing is often reported as second only to search marketing as the most effective online marketing tactic.
  • Advertisers can reach substantial numbers of e-mail subscribers who have opted in (i.e., consented) to receive e-mail communications on subjects of interest to them.
  • Over half of Internet users check or send e-mail on a typical day.

Why choose us & How does it work?

  • we will listen what you want, and analyse the best solution for you;
  • design a fantastic HTML email newsletter;
  • manage your customer & client contact lists;
  • broadcast email to your potential or valuable clients with a particular time schedule;
  • refine your subscriber lists to maximize the  respondence

If you want to take your business to the next level and actively promote, sell and expand your business and services using email direct marketing, you should take advantage of our services and discover how you can track and generate more sales and inquiries easily from using this powerful electronic tool.

How does it cost?

1 – 999
1,000 – 9,999
HK$500 + HK$0.15 / credit
10,000 – 99,999
HK$500 + HK$0.12 / credit
100,000 or more
HK$500 + HK$0.10 / credit