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eBay Template

Using eBay templates layouts will increase the likelihood that your product will attract customers and result in a sale. It’s a simple matter of people appreciating a clear and well-designed page over a standard form. But how to build an eBay templates layouts that will work for your goods?

Designext is a specialized in developing “Professional” & “Unique” ebay Templates. We will listen what you want, as well as learning from your company business nature. After that, we will start to provide a solution for you and produce a tailor-made ebay templates layout’s design. You may want to know what components do we do for you.

  1. Select a color scheme – e.g. purple, yellow, blue, etc.
  2. Give your template a title (“My Company Store”).
  3. Design a logo.
  4. Design an obvious Thumbnail Template to attract customer’s attention.
  5. Desgin a professional eBay Template Layout.
  6. Own your personal FTP account for uploading many many photos. Not like eBay, the default storage is 1G. If you want more and more, just tell us and we will increase it for you.
  7. Generate a HTML file for duplicating unlimited products

Besides the product templates, we can also design a professional page for “About your store”, “Shipping”, “Return Policy”, …etc.

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